Wonderchild - The Conclusion

Wonderchild Project - My Conclusions

I had spent the morning with Bradley Levin.  I had entered the hotel lobby that morning armed with my photographs and my preconceived ideas of what I would find.  Was I right.  Yes.  And no.  Bradley Levin was indeed the wonderchild, I had no doubt in my mind.  But all illusions of what that meant were shattered.  After my encounter with the photographs, I had thought that if a project had continued, despite the protests of the public then it would have been done in a way as to enhance the life of an individual.  To enrich their lives.  Perhaps to help enrich ours.  But what I found was a very smart.  Very broken man.

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After showing him the final photographs, the ones where he realised that even more than his education had been being manipulated.  He had grown even more reserved than before. Getting much more from him had proved difficult.  I began to realise that this dredging up of his past was harder on him than it had first appeared, if that was possible.

He began moving in his seat, as if trying to leave.  I was forced to ask a very difficult question, one that, after all I had seen and heard I felt ridiculous in asking.  But for me to be able to write this story and have it believed, I must cover everything.

"I hate to ask, but readers will ask questions and I need to know that I am giving them the facts, as I am sure you want as well.  We have the photographs and you are sitting right in front of me, so I know you are real.  And I am pretty certain you were kept in that house.  But... But...."

My voice tailed off, how could I possibly ask this?

"You want me to prove it somehow?  Prove that I am the gifted individual that I claim to be?  Well, that's not exactly easy to do."

He stared at me.  I nodded, sheepishly.  He looked as if he was considering something.  He appeared to make a decision.  He reached inside his coat pocket and pulled out an envelope.

"Now it is my turn to give something to you."

He handed over the envelope.

"I cannot prove I am the 'mastermind' the project intended, unless you have a few tests in that bag of yours?  But hopefully this will be enough for your readers."

He pauses again and then turns to leave.  As he walks away he turns back.

"Thank you.  Thank you for ending this."

*         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          *         *          * 

I watch him leave and after a time I realise I am staring at the now closed door.  I look down at the envelope.  I turn it in my hands.  The paper is stiff and expensive.  The seal is already broken.  I pull out the paper inside.

Also contained inside the envelope was a series of papers detailing the testing and results of Subject: 2395 (Bradley Levin).  I haven't printed them here as they are far to extensive but there was only one number I was interested in finding.  His Sim Intellegence Quota (SIQ), we all battle our whole lives to increase this score, learning what we can.  The average score for your average Sim is around 150, give or take a few.  When I found Bradley's score, I fell back into my seat.  I couldn't believe what I was looking at.

I looked back towards the door.


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Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! 

If you are interested in adding Bradley to your game I will put him up for download, just search for cully_c and he'll be there!  He needs a good life after all that lot!!


  1. Oh my goodness.
    This story was incredible! I was riveted. Thank you for sharing, and I will most definitely download Bradley; he needs a happy life!
    (And is there a way we can also get Lilly? He deserves to reconcile with her as well.)

    1. Im so glad you enjoyed it!

      I have yet to get Bradley up for download but I certainly will.

      I'll try and find Lilly as well, she was just a computer created character that he met at school, but she should be still in my game.
